Match Point Rules & Regulations - Effective September 2024

Naples Reserve

 Match Point Rules and Regulations


Hours of Operation

1.        Match Point tennis and pickleball courts may be used between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm, seven days a week. Lights should be turned off promptly after play. The court lights have timers to automatically turn the lights off at 10:00 pm – please do not manually adjust the timers.

2.        Court access will be restricted during times of repair work. Advance notice of repairs will be posted whenever possible.


General Rules

1.        Match Point is for use by Naples Reserve residents (defined for purposes of these rules and regulations as individuals with approved amenity access credentials such as owners, long-term resident guests, or approved renters) and their accompanied guests only. Non-credentialed individuals are considered guests and must be accompanied to use Match Point facilities. A Naples Reserve resident must accompany all guests at non-league play and matches. That resident will be responsible for the conduct, dress, and action of their guests.

2.        Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by adults.

3.        Proper attire is always required. Shirts must always be worn, and bathing suits are not permitted.

4.        Only rubber-soled court shoes are permitted. Playing barefoot, in street shoes, sandals or heels or running shoes is prohibited.

5.        Pets are not allowed within the court areas.

6.        Tennis courts are to be used for tennis only. Pickleball courts are to be used for pickleball only. No other games are permitted on the courts. No bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, hover boards, drones, toys, strollers, playpens, carriages, or the like are allowed on the courts at any time.

7.        No glass containers, food, or alcohol are allowed on the courts at any time.

8.        Match Point is a tobacco free facility. No smoking, vaping, or chewing of tobacco products is permitted.

9.        The use of Match Point facilities is at the player’s own risk. The Naples Reserve Tennis Committee, the Naples Reserve Pickleball Committee, Naples Reserve HOA, Naples Reserve Management, and the HOA’s authorized court facilities vendor partner are not responsible for personal injury or loss or damage to personal property.

10.    Please remove your belongings and properly dispose of trash immediately after playing.

11.    The HOA’s authorized court facilities vendor partner and staff are not considered “guests" at Match Point.

12.    Do not abuse nets, fences, court surfaces, or equipment. Do not throw or bang racquets or paddles. If any court or equipment is damaged, please contact Naples Reserve Management.

13.    Abuse, intentional damage and acts of vandalism will not be tolerated and may result in suspension of Match Point privileges for a length of time as determined by Naples Reserve HOA Board of Directors. Further, the full cost of repairing damage caused by a resident or his/her guest(s) will be the responsibility of that resident. If the damage is caused by a minor, the full cost of repairs will be the responsibility of the minor's family. The minor may also be subject to suspension of privileges as outlined above.

14.    Club rosters, phone lists, resident lists, and similar information shall be considered proprietary information of Naples Reserve HOA and the Naples Reserve Tennis and Pickleball Committees and shall not be given out for any reason, personal or business related, except to the HOA’s authorized court facilities vendor partner or court scheduling software provider.

15.    For Program Play, players that do not otherwise meet program criteria may participate to fill a spot to complete a court if no other qualified players are able to participate.

16.    Proper etiquette and courtesy must always be observed.


Court Etiquette

1.        Please wait until play has stopped before crossing behind other players or retrieving a ball. Return balls to other players whenever possible.

2.        Please do not approach and/or disrupt players using the courts.

3.        When entering or leaving the courts, please do not walk through an occupied court if you can walk outside the fence.

4.        Avoid loud conversations, abusive language, or any other actions, which may distract other players. This also applies to nonplayers outside the courts.

5.        Please turn off cell phones and any other devices which may distract players.

6.        Parents, please spend time discussing tennis and pickleball rules and etiquette with children before bringing them to the courts.

7.        No racquet throwing, banging on nets or fences. Any property or equipment damage may result in loss of Match Point privileges.

8.        Please remove your belongings and properly dispose of trash immediately after playing.

9.        As a courtesy to other players, please sweep and line tennis courts after play.


Pickleball Open Play Rotations

1.        During open play, players will yield the court after playing each game (or after 15 minutes) and may enter their name at the end of the line on the rotation board. The only time players can continue to play more than one game (or play longer than 15 minutes) is when there are no players waiting to get on a court. Player names should not be entered on the board while they are on the court playing. Players must wait until they complete their current game, even if this prevents the rest of the members of a foursome from entering a complete foursome on the board.

2.        If you a have a set foursome during open play and you are choosing to stay together, you must vacate the court after your game (or 15 minutes) if there are other players waiting to play. You must allow the waiting players to put together a foursome and take the court before your group can return to the court. If the waiting players cannot form a foursome, then the next foursome on the board will take the court (this could be the foursome that just finished a game if there is no other foursome waiting to play)..

3.        As a courtesy to other residents, do not play singles if foursomes are waiting to play.

4.        Special rules for Morning Open Play During Busy Season (October 16 to May 15)

·          Due to the high demand and shortage of courts, morning open play during season is only for individuals with credentials (i.e., no guests).  Note that there are no restrictions for accompanied guests at other times.

·          The minimum age is 16 for Morning Open Play.

·          When there are eight or more people waiting to play (two or more boxes filled in on the white board), all games are to be played to nine and win by one.


Reserving Tennis & Pickleball Courts (Non-League Play)

1.        Courts should be reserved prior to use.

2.        Reservations may only be made for time slots outside of designated open play and league play. 

3.        Only residents are permitted to make court reservations.

4.        Sign up is limited to 7 days in advance.

5.        Reservations are limited to 1.5 hours of play. Play may continue if the next reservation is defaulted with no one waiting to play. Please yield courts promptly.

6.        Reservations may be made for your household or group of players only.

7.        No two concurrent or consecutive time slots may be reserved by the same resident or playing residents of his or her party. Only one court may be reserved per reservation time slot.

8.        Default time is ten minutes after scheduled start time. After this time has expired, the court will be considered open for play.

9.        If known in advance that you are unable to play at a time you reserved, you are required to cancel your reservation from the system so that others may reserve the time slot.

10.    Requests for reserving the courts for social activities, tournaments, league play, etc. must be submitted to the Tennis or Pickleball Committee for approval. 

11.    The Naples Reserve Tennis and Pickleball Committees, the Naples Reserve HOA, and the HOA’s authorized court facilities vendor partner may from time to time organize and present outings and events that benefit the community and therefore may reserve the required number of courts for such events at their discretion.



1.        Naples Reserve residents and guests of residents may use the HOA’s authorized court facilities vendor partner for tennis and pickleball instruction or an instructor of their choice. A Naples Reserve resident must be present when instruction is being provided.

2.        All private tennis and pickleball instructors must be vetted by the HOA’s authorized court facilities vendor partner and register with the Activities Director along with providing proof of certification and insurance.

3.        Private instruction may only be booked during reservation time frames and not during Open Play periods.



1.        Naples Reserves residents, members of their families, and guests are required to comply with the rules as stated.

2.        The Naples Reserve HOA Board, Naples Reserve Management, and the HOA’s authorized court facilities vendor partner are authorized to enforce all rules.

3.        Residents are encouraged to report any violations to Naples Reserve Management.

4.        Naples Reserve Tennis and Pickleball Committee members may act as a resource for information and can inform residents about rules but should report violations to Naples Reserve Management.

5.        Violations may result in suspension of the use of Match Point facilities.



Tennis Committee

For additional information about tennis or general tennis inquiries please email


Pickleball Committee

For additional information about pickleball or general pickleball inquiries please email


Naples Reserve Management Office



Naples Reserve Activities Coordinator

239-231-4188 x100 

Tennis League Play (County & USTA)

1.        The Naples Reserve Tennis Committee must approve formation of all league tennis teams and captain assignments for teams playing at Naples Reserve prior to every league season. All non-residents on the team are required to pay a fee to participate. The amount of the fee is $10.00 per year per team. Non-resident players will only be allowed on a roster when there is an insufficient number of residents. Match line-ups are completed at the discretion of the team captain and the team captain should balance playing time between rostered residents and nonresidents.

2.        Any new team proposals should be addressed to the Naples Reserve Tennis Committee by emailing

3.        Captains of Naples Reserve tennis teams must be Naples Reserve residents.

4.        All team captains must adhere to and acknowledge these rules.

5.        All league practices and matches will be scheduled and will begin after 10:00 am in the spring/summer seasons and 11:00 am during the fall/winter seasons.

6.        All team league practice and match schedules will be posted on the court reservation system.

7.        All teams must have at least one Naples Reserve resident on that team.

8.        A Naples Reserve resident(s) must be on-site with their teams for practice and matches.

9.        Only residents of Naples Reserve will be allowed to access the reservation system.

10.    Each approved league team is allowed only 3 courts for practice sessions.

11.    League practice or coaching for five or less people will utilize only one court.

12.    League make-up matches shall not interfere with previously scheduled league practice or matches. A captain has the privilege of being able to schedule a make-up match as many days in advance as necessary, provided he/she is the home team.

13.    All matches and make-up matches will be allowed to proceed to their conclusion, provided a reservation was made, even if they run into another reservation.

14.    Teams are responsible for leaving tennis courts and restrooms in a neat and tidy condition. This includes the seating area and other common grounds.

15.    Naples Reserve residents shall have the right to be included on a Naples Reserve team provided their individual playing level does not adversely affect the level of the team.

16.    Team captains or designated liaisons must coordinate playing times when league play is scheduled for two teams on the same day.


Pickleball League Play (Inter-Community)


1.        The Naples Reserve Pickleball Committee must approve league pickleball teams and captain assignments for teams wishing to reserve courts at Naples Reserve for league home matches. This should be done prior to every league season.

2.        League home match schedules must be approved by the Pickleball Committee before courts will be allocated.

3.        Any team that wishes to reserve court time for home matches must communicate broadly to the community to solicit participation on the teams. The Pickleball Committee will facilitate such communication with input from the team captain(s).

4.        All league home matches will be scheduled between the hours of 11:00 am and 5:00pm.

5.        Court time will not be reserved for team practices. Only home matches will be allocated court time.

6.        Once approved, the requested time and number of courts will be allotted in the reservation system by the reservation administrator.

7.        Only Naples Reserve residents and long-term renters (lease period of one year or longer) will be allowed to play on a Naples Reserve team that wishes to block court time.

8.        Due to limited availability of courts, the Pickleball Committee will set the limit on the number of teams per league that will be allowed to reserve courts. For example, for Fall of 2024, 2 Inter League and 3 Top Dog League teams will be allowed to reserve courts. If there are more teams in a particular league that meet the requirements and wish to reserve courts, a lottery will be conducted to decide which teams will be allocated court time. Lotteries for each season stand on their own and the loser of a prior year/season lottery will not get any preferential treatment in a current lottery.

9.        Teams are responsible for leaving the pickleball courts and restrooms in a neat and tidy condition. This includes the seating area and other common grounds.