St George | The PICKLR 4.25+ DUPR Round Robin

This is a fun event which allows you to play with multiple partners of the same skill level. You will play a total of 8 games within 2 hours. Each game will be timed at 12 minutes, with sudden death if anyone is tied. Each game you will have a different partner and play against a different pair of opponents.

Base skill level on individual participants DUPR scores

– 3.0 up to 3.25

– 3.5 3.26-3.75

– 4.0 3.76-4.25

– 4.5+ 4.26+

• 2 hours of play

4.25 / 5.0
Rating Verified Only
Student's/Sr Students/Seniors
Guests, visitors Nonmembers
Membership unlimited

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